Wednesday, July 3, 2013

what does your first job say about you?

Hi! welcome back!:-) I hope you took time since our last post to think about "what did you do for You today?" It really doesn't have to be anything big but it needs to be clearly declared (if only in your own mind) that you owned a moment in your entire week. To me that was the first step in starting to change from career path to life path. I got a dog. Dogs need walks, food,and love. They are not ashamed to ask for either! Honestly, the best thing I ever did for myself.
So let me tell you about how i ended up at my first job and I'm gonna start WAY back;-)
I was born in 1970 first child of high school sweethearts. They married during my dads leave from Vietnam. I was gestated and delivered in California. (which is the only possible explanation for me being the only dyed in the wool liberal in my whole family. My WHOLE family.)
My parents moved back to their hometown in Ohio. Right on the Pennsylvania/ West Virginia border. This is relevant because THIS is where I developed my stubborn streak which evolved into "if I work hard enough I sure as HELL CAN do this...)My dad worked hard everyday because he was going to take care of his family. period. You Work. He made a career eventually as a Riverboat Pilot- after every other crappy job within that field. He apprenticed and busted ass to eventually be a Captain. I don't think he was always very happy, though. 
My first few jobs don't count. ok. Seriously. I refuse to think that working at Hills dept store for 2 weeks or Ponderosa salad bar for a... few weeks, defines my destiny. But! It did say I would take whatever job was offered. hmmmm I actually never thought of that! Also, yes, we did eat out of the cooler trays of prepped salad bar food, and yes I did have an entire crock of french dressing spill UP, inside my polyester, A-line skirt. (green, of course) Oh yea I forgot about the girl that curling-ironed her hair in the prep kitchen... I should re-forget that. Sorry ;-)
No. My first real job was the summer before sr. year of high school. I was a trail guide at a horseback riding stable!!! EP! IC! SCORE!! I used to ride those trails all the time with a friend of mine. They sorta knew me and when they said they would PAY me $15 cash a day ( 8 to 10 hrs during an actual drought and heatwave) I said HELL YEA!! GREATEST SUMMER EVER! I had no formal riding training, Couldn't remember all of the trails, never cleaned a stall or a hoof or a saddle before! But I wanted it bad.So I did it! I learned as I went, I was loyal and hard working and even though they laughed themselves to sleep every night thinking about my slave labor, I WAS THE ONE THAT GOT THE MOST OUT OF THAT DEAL!! I rode horses all day long! DUH!! And you know what I now think it said about me- I take what I do seriously and I will seriously do what it takes to get to do it!!! 
* so. funny unrelated story time- As an adult I used to fall down ALOT! Its possible, I suppose, that I was always thinking about 50 other things and NEVER the actual act of walking! lol I have fallen down steps, off of high heels, off of flipflops, DONE flipflops, Fallen directly under my car. on the ice. with one arm still in the seat belt. Ive got MAD skills. I dont put my hands down when I fall.You know that's instinct to that. But I have actually DEVELOPED a new INSTINCT!! I call it the stop. drop. and roll. and then I'm back on my feet. Mud, rain, snow, ice, sand, carpet, concrete, steel, sunshine, fog. I KNOW why its called HARD wood. You name it I've landed on it. My dad used to ask in the back ground of my calls back home, Where'd she fall this time. My sister says shes never known anyone to turn their ankles (or choke on spit. unrelated.)more than me. LOL Dad used to tell me to get my next apt on the ground floor or he was going to take out a hazard policy on me hahahaha!! family love ;-) See Ya Next Wed! and think about that first job of yours. You never know, it might remind you of how you wanted things to be by now!;-)

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