Wednesday, July 31, 2013

being as cliche as I can- CHOICES ;-)

Welcome Back!! Hope you had an awesome week! Let me ask you... are you thinking about what to do with your life ? lol  I used to think about that a lot more when I thought I was on my career path than I do now that I'm on my Life Path! HOWEVER! I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea. I'm not breezing through life without a care in the world! I'm just more satisfied with the way I view and conduct my life! AND ANOTHER THING! ;-) I most certainly would not have been ready for THIS LIFE much sooner than when it occurred!! I'm very happy with everything I accomplished but I found myself in my late 30's wondering what the hell just happened!! lol Sooo with that - I'm still on my ONE THING LEADS TO ANOTHER kick ;-) 
I've realized that I have a long history of GOOD TIMING/ GRABBING OPPORTUNITIES. I'm no pollyanna that's for damn sure! But I see no point in looking for the BAD side in an experience!
So here's another LIST! I knew it! You've been dying for a list of lists! ( why isn't there a sarcasm font!?)
1. 10th grade boring tour of vocational dept. eyes rolling into the back of my head and SUDDENLY  beauty school!! When I tell you it had never before crossed my mind I mean- I had only had 2 professional haircuts in my life!! 1 at Doris' salon ( small town granny shop lol) and a perm and cut at JC Penny! whoo hoo. I wanted my hair to look like the chick from USA's Night Flight videos... I looked like a mullet boy with a grandma perm.
2. One of the last days of beauty school a friend was on the payphone declining a job offer( ahh YEA I was eaves dropping. duh!) and I grabbed the phone from her and said I was interested what time should I come in! That was the NEW ME! I had something to be passionate about!
3. First time in Columbus was for my stateboard tests. We stepped on to High st at noon and it felt like a real city! ( I had been to D.C. too many times to count)  A year or so later my 18 yr old cousin and I came to Columbus for a weekend so I could find a job and apt. I took a job at an old chain salon called Christines. NOT FOR ME.  But I stayed a couple mos while I read the want ads! ( PS THANKS TO MY PARENTS FOR LAUNCHING ME INTO THE WORLD WITH 3 MOS PAID RENT!!!)
3. Got all glammed up for an interview at the "society" salon downtown. At that time. At that moment. It was COOL AS HELL!! Halfway through the interview I realized they weren't hiring a STYLIST but an ASSISTANT. I really didn't know what the hell that was but I just shifted gears right there. I NEEDED TO BE IN THAT SALON!! Got the job;-) It was exactly what I needed. High drama clients (very city. in my mind;-)) SUPER HIGH DRAMA salon owners. ( some stereotypes are true lol) I absorbed EVERYTHING!! good and bad! This salon is where I became a city girl. By then I lived in a newly redone apt at High and 2nd- BEFORE the short north went up that far! lol I HAD MADE IT!!! It was such an imperfect, melodramatic situation I would have been bored if it was anything less!!!

So another day I will continue with my list of CHOICES! But I feel like those were 3 VERY pivotal moments for me! That was the window of time where you get scared and go back to what you know or you get OVER IT and forge ahead!! I can't imagine my career/life without those 3 CHOICES!!
MY POINT for you today- If you're trying to figure out what to do NEXT. Think back to what you did FIRST! Get your MOJO back ( I really don't know what the hell mojo actually is but you know what I mean hahaha) Get your excitement back! You don't have to change the world... but it is your CHOICE!!

The guy I worked for as an apprentice knew his shit... when it came to hair. Not always a genius in other realms. Now I will admit when you talk ALL day to clients you can begin to ramble or not pay a lot of attention to what you're actually discussing BUT  One day he was discussing new skin and beauty treatments with a client. ( most of them were on first name basis with their plastic surgeons) She was saying something about a Japanese treatment and he said... hold on its gonna be good... " oh yea its that whole euthanasia thing... "EUTHANASIA IS NOT THE SAME THING AS YOUTH IN ASIA!!! The client and I did not make eye contact.;-)  

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