Thursday, July 25, 2013

OOOHHH the IRONY ;-) aka making lists

Hello!!! Im back. A day( or two) late and hopefully NOT a dollar short lol
You may have noticed the dual name for the blog. My topic today is my love of lists! How they have helped me to figure out what I want( subject to change ;-)), how to get there( usually), what I need to pack this weekend,what I want to get done before I leave(hahahaha yea right!) and how to stay on track with the KIND of PERSON I want to be (work in progress). The IRONY part this week is I really didn't want to look at my lists! I'm rebelling against my self. shocking. I always say one of my greatest skills is self sabotage!! BUT I KNOW IT!! I learned it from looking at my lists! For real.

Out of all of my posts so far I hope that this one will be the most helpful and not just revealing MY story.
This week I saw a bumper sticker that read- GOALS WITHOUT PLANS ARE JUST WISHES. so, So, SO TRUE!!!
I have had many goals over the years that I've taken off the list or accomplished them with great regret hahahaha (reference the story of the BIG SALON) and I've stumbled onto things and loved them. Without them being on the lists. I'm not THAT rigid! To me lists are like road maps. You'll probably get there with out one but you'll never know how and have no idea what else is in the area!

My purpose of sharing my story is twofold. One I needed to GET OVER IT!! I was hanging on to moments that I KNEW I needed to move past but also!! I learned a few things along the way!!! Alot of people,esp in my age range (40's) find that they need to change course! There are also people out there who feel unsettled where they are,just as I have, but upon closer review (its almost football season. I sound like a referee in the replay box lol)They realize they are EXACTLY where they need to be!

I'm going to share my basic list of WHO I want to be. THAT is the most important. Consciously deciding the kind of person you choose to be. NOT the person your SITUATION is turning you into!! I know. Heavy shit. But seriously, If you don't care enough to mold yourself no one else will that's for SURE!!
1. I WILL NOT SAY I CAN'T. I started this in beauty school. I was a sophomore on a required tour of the vocational dept and totally flipped out for beauty school!! I begged my parents, they agreed. Jr and Sr year was spent in training and I started telling myself that I didn't know ANYTHING about hair so I NEEDED TO LEARN IT. That was a new thought for me. For the most part I still believe if I want something I can learn to do it. SOMETIMES I DON'T WANT IT THAT BAD but at least I realize it!!
2. ANYTHING WORTH DOING IS WORTH DOING RIGHT. Thanks dad for the words of wisdom and blue collar work ethic! lol
3. NOW NOT LATER which has morphed into FORWARD MOTION. I have a lazy streak ok?! hahaha When my career starting changing I had a lot more free time than EVER in my life!!! NOT as GREAT as it sounds lol! Putting things off for the hell of it ain't a great plan!!;-)
4. NOTHING GOOD WILL COME OF THIS. When I feel myself getting all caught up and annoyed by some stupid shit that really ISN'T ANY OF MY BUSINESS or something that there is no way I can change-I remind myself of this simple fact. ex my neighbors yard looks like a prairie/weed patch. so. I have weeds growing in my gutters. The rude ass that parks directly in front of my sidewalk when there are NO OTHER CARS PARKED ANY PLACE ELSE. big damn deal. my legs aren't broken. Walk around. Which leads me to this little gem
6. BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD. I love this and I really need to remember that clicking "like" isn't actually taking action!!!
and FINALLY (for this list at least) the hardest one...
7. BE LIZ you can't be true to your career path OR life path without this step!! Well, you know a less funny person would insert joke about everybody being Liz and how awesome the world would be. But I won't go there... hahahaha .
One of my new mantras hasn't actually made my official list yet ;-) CHAMPAGNE PROBLEMS  when I am about part way through some big rant/whine about being -too busy, too tired, which outfit to wear, where to park at the mall blahblahblah- I suddenly realize it say this is a champagne problem!! I, and most other people certainly have much BIGGER  and more life altering problems than that and I need to SETTLE DOWN! hahaha;-)
** totally unrelated funny story*** when I was an apprentice/assistant at my first salon in columbus I worked for a guy that did(the hair of) all of the society people in town. This was pre new albany. The old school club of bexley and upper arlington lol ANYWAY I was VERY busy doing color, shampooing, keeping him on schedule and trying to be perfect. One client was walking back from an excellent shampooing (if I do say so myself) I was behind her. The towel was falling slow motion style from her neck and down her back.My attempt to catch it was even MORE slow motion and I ACCIDENTALLY GRABBED HER BUTT!! OMG. 20 some years later I'm still traumatized!
ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH I hope you'll think about making a few lists yourself! You'll be amazed how it clears your head and helps you see who you REALLY want to be!


  1. AMAZING. I am going to go back and read all your posts...well, the ones I've missed ;) XO

  2. Thank you so much!! I hope you enjoy:-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Now it looks so dramatic!! All i did was remove my duplicate comment. Nothing scandalous lol
