Thursday, August 22, 2013


Good Morning! Yes I know its thursday... not wednesday. Yesterday I went to The Wilds with a couple friends! I LOVE that place! I think its wonderful that these animals are in a preserve not a zoo cage, although it is a division of Columbus Zoo. Some of the animals there are extinct in the wild! You should seriously consider a trip!!

So last week I talked about the idea of contentedness. I also realized that considering what you think about the idea of content is the first step in planning your trip from career path to life path! I did not have a planning phase! lol My job/ career changed without my consent ;-) HOWEVER, looking back, I made choices to act or not act that made me see that I had been devising a plan without totally realizing it!!! I think we all have wondered what we would do if we had MORE TIME or MORE MONEY. Think about it. Really. What would it be? Live somewhere else? lose weight? see the grand canyon? go to walmart before 11pm? lol have your own bakery? have a b&b? teach yoga? have a horse? be in love?volunteer for habitat for humanity? become self employed?get a promotion?drive a lexus?
Why did I choose these specific choices? BECAUSE I KNOW PEOPLE WHO MADE THESE THINGS HAPPEN!!! Not on the news. Real people in my life. Everyone one of their stories could be told 2 (at least lol) ways!
1 way- They are so lucky. Things fall into their lap. HOW DOES SHE HAVE TIME TO DO THAT? ETCETCETC. Thats REALLY not how it happened!!!

2.How about this. Each one of these people 1. realized what their dream was.2. decided to make a plan. 3 TOLD PEOPLE!! (my personal weakness. its amazing what comes to you when you put it out there!!) 4had their eyes open because they knew what they wanted. 5 looked for an opportunity, or even just a tiny opening to stick your toe in and kick open that F-ing door!!! THEY TOOK IT!! They are making it happen.

Here's the thing. MAYBE not every career path to life path  is a total 180. Maybe you just wish you had time to add an hour of something you love or have always wanted to try! SAME PROCESS!! ITS YOUR LIFE!! Even if you happily share your life with someone YOUR CONTENDEDNESS AND HAPPINESS IS YOUR RESPONCIBILITY! Everyone around you will enjoy you alot more if your happy hahahaha. What people do you try to avoid? UNHAPPY BITCHERS THAT NEVER DO ANYTHING TO CHANGE WHAT THEIR BITCHING ABOUT... but i digress hahahaha. ANYWAY are you wondering why the blog is titled 168? Let me hit you with this. Prepare to be amazed;-)
There are 168 hours in a week.
subtract 56 hours ( 8 hrs a day for sleep... if your lucky ;-) HEY! maybe thats your plan! just to consistently get a freakin nights sleep!!
subtract 50 hrs for work ( a good average I think considering part time, full time, over time and/ or commuting)
SO NOW WE'RE AT 62 HRS. WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING WITH THESE 62 HOURS A WEEK?!?! If I lost $62 a week I would be PISSED!! Instead I PISS away (at least) 62 HOURS A WEEK!!!
Ok, I know we all need to grocery shop, cook, have family time, walk the dog, write out the bills, catch up on tv, keep the house clean, mow the f-ing grass (obviously not my fav lol) BUT once again there are 2 ways to see this!!
1. I never have time to do anything fun or for me because Im always taking care of all of this shit!! Believe me! I have thought that! Who hasn't?! But seriously. These are the moments life is made of!!!
2. I love winding down from work by walking my dog for a half an hour, then cooking dinner with the kids 3 times a week and carryout 2times so I have time to clean the house after and then enjoy some tv... HMMM. This could work p.s. that is an EXAMPLE I  do NOT have kids!! How do you think I have time to write this blog? hahahaha;-)

I had an epiphany walking into work at the BIG SALON one day. Of course I felt sick and miserable and I said out loud "I cannot let work dictate my happiness" This was new for me because my career path had ALWAYS been some of my greatest happiness!! I said this mantra every morning and sometimes during the day too lol My brain began to accept and believe it!! My stress level started to change and I started thinking about the value of my non work time!!! DUH! Like I said before- Im a slow learner ;-) Not long after, I got my beloved dog.

SO ANYWAY AGAIN! A couple days ago I read a quote from the founder of Stella and Dot accessories company- I don't remember word for word. Basically she said NO SUCCESSFUL PERSON BEFORE HER HAS EVER HAD MORE THAN 24HRS IN A DAY!!
OMG sooo obvious but profound!
SO MY POINT today is this is step 2. YOU DO HAVE TIME. Decide if what you want in your life path is major or minor, ,make a plan for the first step by using your time more CONSCIOUSLY!! ITS YOURS USE IT!
See Ya next week!!

**semi related funny story**
Do you seriously think I have this shit mastered?! Hell NO! I def do things WHILE I watch tv BUT yesterday I took, probably, 90 mins of work and dragged it out over a few hrs because I was half watching a CASTLE mini marathon...which I don't really love anyway! Good Lord people!! I'm writing this blog to help keep ME on track too!!! oh yea and also... one time my skirt fell OFF when I was walking my dog. TTYL ;-)


  1. I accidentally fell into sales, then after 9 years decided to sell what I love. I'm am not raking in the $ yet, believe me I could not do this without family and friends support, but ( there's always a but) I don't need sleep aids and slowly I am becoming a happy person again. Sometimes losing $62 + a week can make you feel richer.

  2. I guess i emphatically mean THAT!! lol
