Friday, August 16, 2013

the struggle with contentment

Hi welcome back again!! I'm sure you've noticed that once again I did not hit my goal of a wednesday morning post lol I'll be honest. I didn't feel like it. I've been off my game this week! I didn't feel like being an achiever. I'll also admit that one of the only downsides to being self employed and having so many pans in the fire is sometimes its more of a smolder than a fire hahahaha!! Thats ok! I know if I have a real deadline or people counting on me. Thats totally different! But, having said that, I'm committed to this blog and I'm going to make it a real deadline! ;-)

Soooo, this week I've been thinking about the concept of being content. I struggle with this! Do you?
I don't want to settle! I want to make my life path of choosing my projects and forms of income to be successful financially BUT I'm content to not be chasing after my old goals and career path!!

My handy dictionary app says- content- satisfied with what one is or has; not more or anything else.

Hmmm that sounds like some of the inner peace type stuff that some of my friends talk about. It sounds like the way we should feel about ourselves. We are good the way we are. BUT ...I don't WANT to ALWAYS be content!! There are so many things I would not/ will not experience if I'm content!!! DAMMIT! Whats a girl to do?! I DO think it's a good question to ask yourself though!! Before you stick with a job that you don't love, or a PERSON that you don't love OR BEFORE you begin a big career path to life path change. YOU have to decide if being content is ok. I think some times it is! AND sometimes its a perfect excuse!!!
Its really step 1 of deciding how you will redirect your life path!!! Think about it!!!

So I wanted to share more about 1 of my new life path business projects! It's called Clio & Matty! My friend Sheila and I decided to make baby blankies,bibs, burpies, and drool bandanas! I design and sew. She brands, markets and sells. It's a cool idea! Im enjoying it... but I gotta tell ya- I sometimes feel like a sister wife sitting at home makin' clothes for the babies!!! WHO AM I??? My entire dining room is my sewing room- which is no big deal since I only eat at that table every few yrs for friends thanksgiving lol. I have discovered that terrycloth is card to cut. Who Knew? that those old jeans with the blowout from thigh chaffage make great denim baby bibs! That if you're at Joann fabrics ALL the time they'll be a bit liberal with the coupons!! whoo hoo!  that there are multiple ways to adhere tiny cut out flannel designs to bibs making them exponentially cuter and they are ALL a PAIN IN THE BUTT!! and just how many people are excited to give me insight and ideas for this new project i.e. droolie bandanas! ;-) Most of all WHO KNEW that I would be content spending time sewing baby crap!! ;-)

My whole life my mom has been a sewer. We have COMPLETELY different styles so we didn't collaborate alot ;-) As a matter of fact even as a little kid I was PISSED one summer when she made my sister and I each learn how to make a shirt! (I still don't do clothes. too complex) I fought the stereotype of "girls" classes all through school. Straight up REFUSED to take home ec. No. Damn. Way.
Sooo the irony is not lost on me lol.
But I choose to use and develop any skill I even sorta have!! Most people I know don't have a degree in the field they eventually have come to work in. So if I know a little about sewing than I can learn more. Trial and error and you tube videos!! I know alot more about sewing now :-)

Do I want this to become the main way I earn money? NOPE. I don't want to sew all day every day!! But I enjoy it! Why not take what you enjoy, don't be too content, and MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!

I think I'll always struggle with the concept of contentedness BUT I'm content to be making my own way! Maybe that's what its really about ;-)

** totally unrelated funny story***
I have a beagle mix 13.5 yr old dog who I completely adore! However beagles have an absolutely disgusting streak!! They will eat ANYTHING and I do mean ANYTHING, except for expensive, organic baby carrots purchased just for her!! She has eaten- cat shit,cat food,bird food, human food, dog food, rabbit poop, deer poop, bugs,grass,BREAD, paper, underwear, and is obsessed with CICADAS!!! (hey pure protein. What the hell), toenails, rotten food, dead birds,dead squirrels, trash, recycling... I call her my baby goat!! Miraculously she doesn't get sick so I roll with it!
one year we had a blizzard and we decided to go for a walk and assess the situation. ;-) Everyone is always nice to each other right in the midst of a storm... thank God. We stopped to help multiple people push a car. Another guy laid down his bag from the gas station... a little too close to the dog!! While we were working miss clio had snatched the guys loaf of bread!!! right in the middle of the loaf!! it was probably the LAST one on the shelf too!! she was SCARFING it down because she knew her time was limited hahahaha Luckily the guy was cool! probably too shocked to realize what just happened hahahaha
dogs! hours of entertainment... or embarrassment;-)

Have a great week!! see ya on wednesday!;-)

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